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a photo of Jennifer Sanderson of jennsandy

Hello everyone. Jennifer here. I am a Graphic Designer/Art Director/Photographer who has been working in the creative and marketing industry for over 15 years. Over those years, I've found that my favorite part of working on projects is problem-solving and helping show how creativity can change the world for the better. 

Before my career in creative and marketing, I was in the service and restaurant industry. A lot of my values stem from this part of my life, such as being patient, everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt, and seamless workflow. As I've gotten older, I've found a big interest in design for health and wellness brands. Particullary those aimed to help produce less stress, educate on Health Insurance, and understand that great design can change our well-being for the better.

Currently, live in the heart of Raleigh, NC. Riding the waves to change and helping to support businesses big and small with their creative needs. When I'm not working on the computer, I hike, cook, host parties, participate in the local theatre community, and hang out with my partner and our 3 cats.

Even if you don't have a project for me, I am always open to coffee talks about design and life. Happy to meet new people and help in any way that I can. Just send an email introducing yourself!





Genuine. Hard. Honest-to-goodness. Indisputable.

A client’s “truth” is the nugget of fact in the heart of a business or individual that is hard to disrupt. It is found that the more we move toward that truth in your branding and marketing, the easier it is for your audience to believe in you and/or your product. Your truth always prevails.

I strive to find the truth in all my clients, sparking individualism, strength, and brand longevity. No matter the project. These characteristics are proven to help businesses succeed in a marketplace that is loud, clumsy, and ever-changing.

My mission is to help all my clients express their truth. Together with the client, I use focused conversations and strategic research that inform on the direction of your brand or campaign.  Then, we use graphic design and photography as the language for that message.


This value keeps our clients agile, being able to adapt to the changes in their respective markets without losing their truth.


Trying to consistently stand out in your industry takes bravery. And bravery can be difficult. We want our clients to always feel comfortable in their truth, so, that takes regular check-in conversations to keep us grounded and make sure you feel ready to move forward.


Jennsandy believes in the betterment of all. We do not exclude on race, gender, sexuality, etc. Everyone deserves their own truth.


We embrace change. Change can be weird, but it also means opportunity for new and better things. We stay open to those new opportunities for our clients.


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